Dear friends and supporters,
As COVID-19 continues to spread across the world, we understand the fear, anxiety, and grief you may be experiencing during this uncertain and confusing time.
As an organization that has walked alongside survivors of exploitation and individuals experiencing trauma, we have developed a holistic care program to help both our beneficiaries and our staff move towards freedom, hope, and restoration in ALL aspects of life -- physical, emotional, relational, financial, spiritual, and more.
As we thought about the collective trauma the entire globe is experiencing now, we wanted to do something tangible to share resources that may be helpful for YOU and your families.
We are so excited to make elements of our holistic care program available online in our new series HOLISTIC CARE FOR YOU.
On our website, you'll find videos and additional resources put together by teachers of our holistic care programs all over the world. We have resources available on social thinking, art therapy, and the power of posture... and additional videos on self care, music relaxation, deep breathing, and more to come next week!
Our desire is that you would know that YOU ARE NOT ALONE. May these small exercises provide moments of peace, rest, and release to support your holistic health & well-being in this time.
We'd also love for you to join the conversation on Instagram and Facebook through our accounts and the hashtag #HolisticCareForYou.
Standing with you For Freedom,

Did you receive a stimulus check this week? While many of you desperately need those funds, some of you may not. If you're able, please consider donating a portion to the survivors Red Oak supports worldwide.We still need to raise $43,000 before July in order to keep our programs open. Donate H E R E.

*GOOD NEWS* Red Oak's transitional house in Austin recently welcomed 3 new survivors as residents! In a time when safe shelter is more necessary than ever, we are so honored to be able to support these women on their journeys to healing. Read more about our Austin Housing Program H E R E.