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Bride Trafficking Survivor Now Free!

We just heard from our partners in Cambodia that Dara*, the brave 24-year-old Cambodian bride trafficking survivor we assisted in January, has finally been safely repatriated and reunited with her family!

When we heard her story, Dara was literally trapped in a country far from home; locked in the bedroom of a man who'd purchased her as a bride. She was desperate to escape, but without her documents and with no ability to communicate, she didn't even know where she was... much less how to get to safety. She found WiFi access and made contact with our partner organization in her home country of Cambodia. Unfortunately, they had no way to figure out where she was or how to help, so they called us.

Together, we were able to gather enough information to pinpoint Dara's exact location in an extremely rural area and create a plan to help her escape. On the day of her escape, Dara jumped 15 feet from a window and ran to the outer border of the village where we had a car waiting for her. Her consulate was notified that a survivor would be arriving at that police station and coordinated with officials in the local language to begin her immigration and repatriation process.

Though her repatriation process was delayed due to Covid-19, we are ecstatic to know that she is now (finally) safe at home with her family.

This is just ONE STORY of the Freedom, Hope, and Restoration YOU are making possible, even in this difficult year.



There are currently several Cambodian bride trafficking survivors stuck abroad waiting for that happy flight home and reunification with their families. Due to Covid-19 travel complications, each airfare ticket now costs up to $1500.

You can help survivors get home to their families.



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