Red Oak Hope

Dec 31, 2021

Only $2,200 left to raise! ✨

Time and time again, our supporters have SHOWN UP to help provide both immediate aid and long-term care to survivors of trafficking and their families.

With only hours left in 2021, will you help us raise the last $2,200 in our $50,000 goal in order to provide basic necessities to survivors in 2022?

Here's a few things your donations could provide:


Click below to read our annual report or watch 5 survivors speak for themselves about how services provided by Red Oak Hope have helped them flourish (photos are linked).

Even with all of the chaos and difficulty of the last year, we are so grateful for all of the Freedom, Hope, and Restoration we have been able to see. THANK YOU for making this possible.

Wishing you a safe and joyous New Year's Celebration and a Happy New Year!

For Freedom,

Founder + Executive Director

Red Oak Hope
